Overview of Cranial Nerves
I: Olfactory
II: Optic
III Oculomotor
IV: Trochlear
V: Trigeminal
  V1: Ophthalmic
  V2: Maxillary
  V3: Mandibular
VI: Abducens
VII: Facial
VIII: Vestibulocochlear 
IX: Glossopharyngeal
X: Vagus
XI: Spinal Accessory
XII: Hypoglossal

Alex Dai, MD, MPH @alexludai

#neurology #cranial #nerves #anatomy
Dr. Husein Alsenafi @HuseinAlsenafi · 2 years ago
Medicine and Surgery, King Abdullah University Hospital | Educational and Medical things | t.me/Medical_Notez | https://twitter.com/Medical_Notez | https://twitter.com/HuseinAlsenafi
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