Polychromasia Capsulare on Slit Lamp Examination Polychromasia capsulare is an extremely rare condition in which the anterior lens capsule exhibits an extraordinary array of colors. It is best described as a circular peripheral polychromatic band of anterior lens capsule discoloration with a predominantly green hue and an additional rainbow of colors on both edges. The discoloration is present in the entire circumference and appears to lie within or slightly beneath the lens capsule. This finding is present in very early childhood and possibly from birth. The iridescence in this patient’s capsule is thought to be derived from a complex interplay between light and the abnormal nanoarchitecture of the lens capsule, producing an iridescent appearance. It is not associated with Wilson’s disease or any other known systemic conditions. @anterior_seg_rocks #Polychromasia #Capsulare #clinical #video #physicalexam #ophthalmology #SlitLamp