ACA Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines When to Screen? When to Stop? Family History Performance Characteristics for Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests Stool/blood-based tests: • FIT: 79% sensitivity, 94% specificity for CRC • Multitarget stool DNA test: 92% sensitivity, 87% specificity for CRC, Long term reduction in CRC incidence unknown • Septin 9: 48% sensitivity, 91% specificity for CRC Direct visualization: • Colonoscopy: 100% detection rate for CRC, Long term reduction in CRC incidence of 31-71%, mortality 65-88% • Flexible sigmoidoscopy: 90-100% sensitivity for distal CRC, Long term reduction in CRC incidence 21%, mortality 26% • CT colonography: 90-100% sensitivity for CRC, Poor sensitivity for flat lesions or SSLs • Colon capsule: 81% sensitivity, 93% specificity for polyps >6mm by Dr. Chaitanya Allamneni @CAllamneni via @EmoryGastroHep #Colorectal #Cancer #colon #Screening #Indications #Tests #comparison #table #management #gastroenterology #CRC #Testing #Indications