Hyperkalemia - Diagnosis and Management - GrepMed Handbook

S/Sx: Most pts asymptomatic. Weakness, cramping, nausea, paresthesias, palpitations, bradycardia, arrhythmias
 • Medications: K+, ACEi/ARBs, NSAIDs, β-blockers, Antibiotics (Bactrim, PCN G-K), K-sparing diuretics, Saline infusion, Calcineurin inhibitors,  Digoxin, Succinylcholine
 • Redistribution: Acidosis, Cell Lysis (TLS, rhabdo/crush injury, ischemia, hemolysis, transfusions), ↓insulin (DM, DKA, octreotide), hyperK periodic paralysis, post-hypothermia
 • ↓ Renal K+ Excretion:
     - Renal Failure, esp w oliguria / GFR<15
     - ↓ Effective arterial volume (↓distal Na delivery): CHF, cirrhosis, hypovolemia
     - ↓ Renin/Aldosterone, RTA Type IV, AI
 • Ureterojejunostomy (reabsorption)  

 • Assess for Pseudohyperkalemia - hemolysis, tourniquet / IVF line draw, ↑↑Plts or ↑↑WBC (use heparinized tube)
 • ECG (↓Sens but Δs indicate badness): Peak T, flat P, ST depress, ↑PR ↑QRS intervals, bradycardia → sine wave → PEA/VF
 • Labs: BMP (Assess GFR), ±VBG (acidosis), CK+LDH (lysis)
     ± Urine Lytes: UNa < 20 suggests ↓ distal Na delivery, UK:Cr < 15 suggests ↓ renal excretion
     ± Renin/Aldosterone levels, Cortisol+ACTH stim test (only if no clear cause)

 • Stabilization, Redistribution and Elimination (see Table below)
 • STOP offending medications (review MAR)
 • Optimize volume status to improve GFR 
     - Diuresis (hypervolemia)
     - IVF (hypovolemia) - Use LR/Plasmalyte (Bicarb≥22) or isotonic bicarbonate gtt (Bicarb<22) - avoid NS (→hyperchloremic acidosis) 
 • Low K diet

Stabilization Treatments:
 • Calcium 2-3g IV Ca-gluconate or 1g CaCl- (central line)
     - 1st line, stabilizes cardiac membrane. 
     - Transient, repeat dose PRN (ongoing arrhythmia).
Redistribution Treatments:
 • Insulin 5-10U reg IV + 1-2 amps D50W
     - Drives K+ into cells. Give D50 before insulin. Monitor hypoglycemia
 • Albuterol 10-20 mg neb or 0.5 mg IV, Terbutaline 7 µg/kg SC (~0.5 mg)
     - Give albuterol as a continuous neb. Monitor for tachycardia 
 • Epinephrine IV - Only if concurrent need for vasopressor or HyperK-induced bradycardia
 • Isotonic Bicarbonate gtt - Only in acidosis. Use gtt, NOT hypertonic Amp IVP
 • Diuretics (IV loop diuretic ± thiazide / acetazolamide) 
     - IV loop diuretic (lasix ≥ 60 mg) alone may be sufficient if intact GFR. 
     - IVF as needed to avoid hypovolemia 
Elimination Treatments:
 • K-Binding Resins - Exchanges K+ for cations in gut. Slow - don’t delay HD
     - Na-Zirconium (10g PO tid) - caution in HTN & edema
     - SPS (15-60g PO/PR) - avoid ileus/obstruction (ischemia/necrosis), limited evidence for effectiveness
     - Patiromer (8.4-25.2 g/d PO)
 • Hemodialysis - Definitive in ESRD or failure of other measures

Check out https://emcrit.org/ibcc/hyperkalemi for a definitive guide to diagnosis and management of hyperkalemia

#Hyperkalemia #Diagnosis #Management #Treatment #potassium #nephrology #K
GrepMed HandBook @grepmedhandbook · 1 year ago
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