Approach to using the perfusion scan in Brain Death Evaluation

Like any diagnostic test, a flow scan is only useful when applied in the correct clinical context.  The presence of impaired flow may be consistent with the early phases of brain death, so in this case a repeat study should be considered in 12-24 hr.  A normal scan should prompt an aggressive search for wrong-diagnosis brain death mimics.

#Diagnosis #CriticalCare #NuclearMed #BrainDeath #Perfusion #Scan #Algorithm
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 6 years ago
Board Certified Internal Medicine Hospitalist, GrepMed Editor in Chief 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 - Sign up for an account to like, bookmark and upload images to contribute to our community platform. Follow us on IG: | Twitter:
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