Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS)
(aka: Landry–Guillain–Barré–Strohl syndrome:
	Most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis
	Rapidly progressive ascending paralysis & areflexia
	Autonomic dysfunction, CSF albumin-cytologic dissociation.
	The sensory and motor systems may be equally affected. 
	The paralysis moves rapidly from lower to upper areas.

Differential diagnosis:
	Myasthenia gravis: Intermittent & worsened by exertion.
	Multiple Sclerosis: CNS demyelination, hyperreflexia, multiple lesions on MRI, oligoclonal bands in CSF.
	Botulism: Descending weakness fixed dilated pupils, food/wound toxin exposure & prominent cranial nerve dysfunction with normal sensation.
	Tick paralysis: Ascending paralysis but spares sensation.
	West Nile virus: Headache, fever, & asymmetric flaccid paralysis but spares sensation.
	Transverse myelitis: Pain, weakness, abnormal sensation, urinary dysfunction, sensory level, hyperreflexia, spinal cord lesion on MRI.
	CIDP: Chronic progression, relapses, requires long-term immunotherapy.
	Spinal Cord Compression: Hyperreflexia, sensory level, MRI shows mass or compression.
#guillainbarresyndrome #flaccidpalsy #compylobacterjejuni #GBS #Landrysyndrome
Satyendra Dhar, MD @DharSaty · 1 month ago
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