Spermatogenesis - Timing and location Begins at puberty with spermatogonia. Full development takes 2 months. Occurs in seminiferous tubules. Produces spermatids that undergo spermiogenesis (loss of cytoplasmic contents, gain of acrosomal cap) to form mature spermatozoon. - Spermatogonium Diploid= 2N, 2C. Behind blood-testis barrier (tight junctions) - 1° spermatocyte Diploid (2N, 4C). Undergoes meiosis I. - 2° spermatocyte Haploid (1N, 2C). Undergoes meiosis II to become spermatid. Haploid (1N, 1C). Matures to become spermatozoon. - Spermatid Haploid (1N, 1C). Matures to become spermatozoon. #Pathophysiology #Spermatogenesis #Spermatocyte #Spermatid