Based on the images alone, it is usually not possible to determine the cause of the consolidation.
Other things need to be considered, like acute or chronic illness, clinical data and other non-pulmonary findings.
Here we have a number of x-rays with consolidation.
Notice the similarity between these chest x-rays.
1. Lobar pneumonia - in a patient with cough and fever.
2. Pulmonary hemorrhage - in a patient with hemoptoe.
3. Organizing pneumonia (OP) - multiple chronic consolidations.
4. Infarction - peripheral consolidation in a patient with acute shortness of breath with low oxygen level and high D-dimer.
5. Pumonary cardiogenic edema - filling of the alveoli with transudate in a patient with congestive heart failure. This would be more obvious if you were shown the whole image.
6. Sarcoidosis - at first glanse this looks like consolidation, but in fact this is nodular interstitial lung disease, that is so wide-spread that it looks like consolidation. #Clinical #Diagnosis #Radiology #CXR #Lobar #Consolidation #Causes #RadiologyAssistant