Grading of Muscle Strength (1-5):
5 - The muscle can move the joint it crosses through a full
range of motion, against gravity, and against full resistance
applied by the examiner.
4 - The muscle can move the joint it crosses through a full
range of motion against moderate resistance.
3 - The muscle can move the joint it crosses through a full
range of motion against gravity but without any resistance.
2 - The muscle can move the joint it crosses through a full range
of motion only if the part is properly positioned so that the
force of gravity is eliminated.
1 - Muscle contraction is seen or identified with palpation,
but it is insufficient to produce joint motion even with
elimination of gravity.
0 - No muscle contraction is seen or identified with palpation;
#Grading #Muscle #Strength #Grades #Diagnosis #Neurology