CERTA Opioid Alternatives Opioid Alternatives for Abdominal Pain (traumatic, non-traumatic), Back Pain, Burns, Renal Colic, Dental Pain, Headache, MSK Pain, Neuropathic Pain, Sickle-Cell Vaso-Occlusive Crisis 1. DO NOT mix NSAID drugs - ie) don't give two together 2. Caution with using NSAIDs where surgery could be imminent. 3. Caution masking escalating pain that could indicate a surgical emergency 4. Caution with the abuse potential of some drugs such as lyrica/pregabalin 5. When practical, we would suggest Physiotherapy, TENS and other non-pharmacological methods 6. Make sure you know the contraindications for NSAID use & consider a PPI when prescribing them By Dr. Sergey Motov (@painfreeED) & Dr. David Lyness (@Gas_Craic) #CERTA #Opioid #Alternatives #Opiate #Pain #Medications #Pharmacology #Analgesia