Flexor Tenosynovitis

And of course don't forget Kanavel's Criteria:
1. Tenderness along course of finger
2. Symmetrical swelling of finger
3. Pain with passive ROM
4. Flexed posture of the finger

 - Mark Ramzy DO, EMT-P @MRamzyDO 

#Flexor #Tenosynovitis #Kanavels #Criteria #Clinical #Sign #Hand #MSK #Diagnosis
Mark Ramzy @MRamzyDO · 6 years ago
Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Doc, Paramedic, REBEL EM and EPMonthly Author, emDOCs Editor, interested in all things FOAMed! Passionate about baking cheesecakes, changing how we educate and presentation design. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MRamzyDO
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