POCUS Algorithm for Chest Pain

Integrating POCUS in crashing chest pain is complex. Know the views that matter most in narrowing the differential. Here are my go-to views when scanning CP (+/- hypotension). IVC + b-lines help identify sick pts needing emergent intervention!

- Dr. John Moeller @JMoeller_EUS

#ChestPain #POCUS #Algorithm #CriticalCare #Shock #Crashing #Diagnosis #Protocol
Eddy Joe MD @eddyjoemd · 6 years ago
Educator and Intensivist - https://www.eddyjoemd.com Host of the Saving Lives Podcast - https://anchor.fm/eddyjoemd I teach Critical Care Medicine on YouTube & Instagram - https://www.youtube.com/EDDYJOEMD | https://www.instagram.com/eddyjoemd | https://twitter.com/eddyjoemd
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