Characteristics of Commonly Used Phosphate Binders Aluminum - Potent and effective - Useful for short term in severe hyperphosphatemia Calcium salt based - Effective - Inexpensive - Treats hypocalcemia - Antacid properties useful for reflux and peptic ulcer disease Sevelamer - Effective - No systemic absorption - Lowers level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol - Lower risk of hypercalcemia - Reduces aortic and coronary calcification versus calcium salts - Lower risk of adynamic bone disease versus calcium salts Lanthanum carbonate - Potent and effective over wide pH range - Lack of hypercalcemia - No evidence of increased risk of low bone turnover disease - Reduced pill burden Ferric citrate - Effective - Significant absorption of iron that may decrease iron and ESA requirements - Lack of hypercalcemia Sucroferric oxyhydroxide - Potent and effective over wide pH range - Lack of hypercalcemia - No significant systemic absorption - Reduced pill burden Dr. Edgar V. Lerma @edgarvlermamd - Nephrology Secrets #Phosphate #Binders #Table #Comparison #Pharmacology #Nephrology