HFNC compared to NIV HFNC: - Comfort - Higher comfort Eating, drinking and speaking less impaired - Airway pressure and PEEP - Excessive pressure is likely avoided, Flow-dependent PEEP, limited to <6 cmH20 - Anatomical dead space - Mostly reduced - CO2 washout - Nasopharyngeal CO2 washout - Mucociliary function - Maintained due to heated and humidified gas application - Pulmonary effects - Increased EELV, Reduced WOB, Moderate increase of transpulmonary pressure - Extra pulmonary effects - Reduction of cardiac preload - P-SILI/VILI - Lower risk - Skin breakdown/ sores - Less likely #HFNC #highflownasalcannula #NIV #NIPPV #bipap #comparison #management