HFNC compared to NIV
- Comfort - Higher comfort  Eating, drinking and speaking less impaired 
- Airway pressure and PEEP  - Excessive pressure is likely avoided, Flow-dependent PEEP, limited to <6 cmH20 
- Anatomical dead space  - Mostly reduced 
- CO2 washout  - Nasopharyngeal CO2 washout 
- Mucociliary function  - Maintained due to heated and humidified gas application 
- Pulmonary effects  - Increased EELV, Reduced WOB, Moderate increase of transpulmonary pressure 
- Extra pulmonary effects  - Reduction of cardiac preload 
- P-SILI/VILI  - Lower risk 
- Skin breakdown/ sores  - Less likely 
Eddy Joe MD @eddyjoemd · 5 years ago
Educator and Intensivist - https://www.eddyjoemd.com Host of the Saving Lives Podcast - https://anchor.fm/eddyjoemd I teach Critical Care Medicine on YouTube & Instagram - https://www.youtube.com/EDDYJOEMD | https://www.instagram.com/eddyjoemd | https://twitter.com/eddyjoemd
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