Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in the Neonate WHY CPAP? • Maintain airway patency • Helps avoid alveoli collapse in preterm baby's who have little surfactant • Aids Functional residual capacity improving oxygenation • Helps to Stabilise chest wall • Improves lung compliance • Decreases resistance • Improves work of breathing for baby ABCDE - CARING FOR A BABY ON CPAP A - Ensure suitable size and fit of the mask and hat to avoid air leak or pressure not being delivered B -Monitor RR, Sats, oxygen requirement, effort of breathing, pressures and trends, auscultate for signs of penumothorax C - Monitor HR. perfusion D - Note baby's tone, are they irritable, unsettled? E - look out for break down of skin especially avoid the nose and ears, note any abdominal distension if in doubt do a gas! By emma hudson @emmabuxton10 #CPAP #Neonate #Management #ABCs #ABCDE #Peds #Pediatrics