Filarial Dance Sign on Scrotal Ultrasound (W. bancrofti) This scrotal US video clip is from a 50 y/o with swelling and history of foreign travel. Note the congested epididymis or dilated lymphatics containing an undulating echogenic structure.....a worm! The filarial dance sign is seen with filariasis. Filarial worms are a parasitic infection that that is transmitted by mosquitos and invades the skin and lymphatics. A false positive filarial dance sign can be seen in patients who have undergone a vasectomy. These patients can develop a congested epididymis containing echogenic sperm granulomas which demonstrate Brownian motion. Via @northshorerads #Filarial #Filariasis #Dance #Sign #ScrotalUS #Ultrasound #Scrotal #Clinical #POCUS #WBbancrofti