Indications for therapeutic intervention of pancreatic pseudocysts. Complicated pancreatic pseudocysts (one criterion sufficient) • Compression of large vessels (clinical symptoms or seen on CT scan) • Gastric or duodenal outlet obstruction • Stenosis of the common bile duct due to compression • Infected pancreatic pseudocysts • Haemorrhage into pancreatic pseudocyst • Pancreatico-pleural fistula Symptomatic pancreatic pseudocyst • Satiety • Nausea and vomiting • Pain • Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (10—20%) Asymptomatic pancreatic pseudocyst: • Pseudocysts >5 cm, unchanged in size and morphology for more than 6 weeks • Diameter cm and extrapancreatic complications in patients with chronic alcoholic pancreatitis • Suspected malignancy: median 5-year survival rate after resection 56% #Pancreatic #pseudocyst #Intervention #Indications #Management