Drug-Induced Seizures - OTIS-CAMPBELL

O - Organophosphate, oral hypoglycemics, opioid
T - TCA, theophylline
I - Isoniazid, Insulin
S - Salicylates, Sympathomimetics, Strychnine
C - Cocaine, Camphor, CO, CN
A - Amphetamines, anticholinergics, amantadine, antibiotics (beta-lactams)
M - Methylxanthines
P - Pesticides/insecticides, PCP, plants (water hemlock)
B - Benzodiazepine withdrawal
E - Ethanol Withdrawal
L - Lead, lithium, lindane,
L - Local anesthetics

By Dr. Kathryn Watson @Kat_Watson

#Drug #Induced #Seizures #Medication #Causes #Differential #Pharmacology #Diagnosis #OTISCAMPBELL #Mnemonic
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 5 years ago
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