Acute Iron Poisoning

There are five classically described phases of toxicity:
Gastrointestinal phase (~6 hours post-ingestion)
 - Secondary to caustic mucosal injury
 - Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
Latent phase (6-24 hours post-ingestion)
 - Symptom resolution due to iron redistribution
 - Often absent in severe toxicity however presence does not preclude deterioration
Shock and metabolic acidosis (12-48 hours post-ingestion)
 - Anion gap metabolic acidosis with both distributive and cardiogenic shock
 - Progressive multi-organ failure (ARDS, coagulopathy, renal failure)
Hepatotoxicity (24-96 hours post-ingestion)
 - Massive hepatic iron deposition leads to acute hepatic necrosis
Bowel Obstruction (2-8 weeks post-ingestion)
 - Secondary to caustic bowel injury and subsequent luminal scarring and stenosis

By Dr. Kathryn Watson @Kat_Watson

#Iron #Poisoning #Toxicity #Toxicology #Diagnosis #Management #Ferrous
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 5 years ago
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