De Musset's sign of venous origin - Lateral Head Bob (Heart rate ~130 bpm.)

De Musset's of AR is to-and-fro. This is side-to-side.  The pulsation in the neck is clearly venous, as the "inward" component is much more obvious than the outward component. It is monophasic: Lancisi's sign (CV fusion) of severe TR. There is a lateral head bob, which Marriott refers to as "de Musset's sign of venous origin"

Severe TR based on: 1) Lancisi's monophasic CV wave, known as "arterialization of the venous pulse", often confused for carotid (but the obvious "inward" movement = venous); 2) lateral head bob, which Marriott refers to as "de Musset's sign of venous origin"

Dr. André Mansoor @AndreMansoor - Author of Frameworks for Internal Medicine

#DeMussets #sign #venous #Lateral #HeadBob #TricuspidRegurgitation #TR #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 5 years ago
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