Fatality / Mortality Calculations in an Outbreak
There are a number of different types of rates, risks, ratios important in an outbreak:
 - Case fatality rate (CFR) = # of deaths from a certain disease / # of people diagnosed with disease (for a certain period of time)
 - Infection-fatality risk (IFR) = # of deaths in cases with evidence of infection / # of cases with evidence of infection
 - Hospital fatality risk (HFR) = # of deaths in cases hospitalized for medical need / # cases hospitalized for medical need
 - Symptomatic case fatality risk (sCFR) = # of deaths in cases with symptoms / # of cases with symptoms

Dr. Melvin Sanicas @Vaccinologist

#Fatality #MortalityRate #Calculations #Outbreak #Calculating #InfectiousDiseases #Epidemiology #Novel #Coronavirus
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 5 years ago
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