Osteomalacia & Osteoporosis in People with HIV
- Decreased bone matrix mineralization. In people with HIV (rare): have been a/w TDF renal PO4 wasting, vitamin D deficiency (from multiple causes)
- Bone pain/tenderness (back, legs, ribs), Proximal muscle weakness, waddling gait
- XRay: Osteopenia, Looser's pseudofracture
- Lab: Decr Ca, Decr PO4, Incr ALP, 25-OH-D <10, Incr PTH
- Tx: Vitamin D, Tx of underlying cause; usual reversible
- Loss of bone mass. In people with HIV (more common): multifactorial (viral effect, traditional risk factors, antiretroviral therapy)
- Commonly asymptomatic
- XRay: Osteopenia
- Lab: Normal, mild-mod vitamin D deficiency
- Tx: Bisphosphonates; varying response
by WuidQ: Washington University ID Questions @WuidQ
#Osteomalacia #Osteoporosis #HIVAIDS #Comparison #Diagnosis #TDF