Post Proning Nursing Checklist Head/Face: - Check ETT/tracheostomy is accessible/not kinked (ETT cm at teeth …..) - All connections between ETT and ventilator circuit secure - Note ETT/tracheostomy cuff pressure - ETT positioned in middle of mouth, not compressing lips - Dermal gel pads placed between ETT cotton ties and patient’s skin - Confirm ears are not bent over - Perform ETT/tracheal suctioning immediately post proning - Eyes taped shut - No direct pressure on the eyes - Ensure 30° foot down positioning (Reverse Trendelenburg) - Move patient’s head from side to side 2 hourly to relieve pressure - NG tube secure and not displaced (cm at nose=…..) - NG tube not causing pressure to nostril Neck: - Verify that patient’s lower back and neck are not hyper-extended - Front of neck free from compression - Central line secure Chest: - Chest drains patent and on correct suction - Breasts supported and free from pressure Abdomen: - Abdomen free Pelvis: - Pelvis support cushion in place - Male genitalia positioned between legs - Catheter tubing is free and between legs Arms: - Placed by side of patient - Shoulders not rotated - No compression over elbows - Wrists in neutral position - Hands free - Alternate Swimmers Position 2-4 hourly - No peripheral IV lines under patient Legs: - Pillows positioned under shins to prevent extension Infusions/Monitoring: - All monitoring recommenced - All infusions connected and infusing - Check CRRT lines patent - ECG leads not underneath patient - Ensure patient is well sedated and pain free - Infusion lines not resting on patient’s skin - Mattress is in dynamic mode - Check ABG 20-30 mins post prone positioning PDF: #Proning #Nursing #Checklist #Post #Prone #CriticalCare #Management