Cardiff COVID-19 Daily checklist - Matt Morgan A daily checklist for critically ill #covid19 patients. Concentrates on reducing harm, big wins and efficiency. Airway - Cuff leak? - >10 days ventilated? Breathing - Is the ventilator safe? - FiO2 40%? 40-60%, > 60% Circulation - Is Norad > 0.5 mcg/kg/min? - Is there a positive fluid balance? - CPR and escalation decisions? Disability - Can we wean sedation if FiO2 < 40% Exposure - Change or remove central line? Food and family - Can we feed? - Have bowels been open? Can we give a family an update? Haematology - Is the patient pregnant? Infection and drugs - Is there COVD19 or other infections? - Have we reviewed drug chart? - Is there a secondary infection? Dr. Matt Morgan @ dr_mattmorgan #checklist #COVID19 #Daily #criticalcare #SARSCoV2 #management #Cardiff #Coronavirus