Checklist for removing PPE, using a gown with fixed neck ties.
Inside the patient room (or ante-room):
1. Clean gloves with ethanol hand sanitizer
2. Remove face shield.
 - Grab the shield firmly by the sides and pull it forwards away from your face.
 - Avoid touching your hair or face.
3. Clean gloves again with ethanol hand sanitizer
4. Remove gown and gloves
 - Holding the gown from the front, pull the gown over the head. Avoid touching the face. This is probably the highest risk component of this procedure.
 - Roll gown inside out and away from body, bending forwards
 - This creates a "glove/gown ball"
5. Clean hands again with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Outside the patient room:
1. Remove N95/surgicaI mask using the straps to pull the mask away from your face.
 - Front of the mask may be contaminated — don't touch this.
 - Avoid touching your mouth/nose with hands or straps of the mask.
2. Clean hands again with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Dr. Josh Farkas @pulmcrit via Internet Book of Critical Care @iBookCC

#PPE #Removal #Donning #Doffing #Checklist #Management #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #PersonalProtectiveEquipment
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 5 years ago
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