CT and ultrasonographic features of COVID-19 pneumonia
Lung CT:
- Thickened pleura
- Ground glass shadow and effusion
- Pulmonary infiltrating shadow
- Subpleural consolidation
- Translobar consolidation
- Pleural effusion is rare.
- More than two lobes affected
- Negative or atypical in lung CT images in the super-early stage, then diffuse scattered or ground glass shadow with the progress of the disease, further lung consolidation
Lung ultrasound
- Thickened pleural line
- B lines (multifocal, discrete, or confluent)
- Confluent B lines
- Small (centomeric) consolidations)
- Both non-translobar and translobar consolidation
- Pleural effusion is rare
- Multilobar distribution of abnormalities
- Focal B lines is the main feature in the early stage and in mild infection; alveolar interstitial syndrome is the main feature in the progressive stage and in critically ill patients; A lines can be found in the convalescence; pleural line thickening with uneven B lines can be seen in patients with pulmonary fibrosis
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