Ventricular Fibrillation on POCUS Echocardiogram - Subcostal 4 Chamber
50's male witnessed arrest. Unknown hx. AED no shock advised. Prehosp ACLS-Asystole/no ROSC. SC from first break. Diagnosis? See thread.
Answer: V.fib. Note presence of fine quivering of LV. Fine Vfib can be confused with asystole as in this case. POCUS helpful. PSSA from case- 2nd break. Still v.fib
ETCO2 rises. Wide complex rhythm seen on monitor. Pulses present. While getting 12 lead ECG, POCUS performed. PSLA shown.
Answer: Note presence of RWMA. Note akinesia of anterior wall. Consistent with AWMI.
Dr. Robert Jones @RJonesSonoEM
#Ventricular #Fibrillation #VFib #S4C #POCUS #Echocardiogram #ultrasound #Cardiology #clinical