Symptoms and signs of Leptospirosis
Acute phase:
 - Fever and headache
 - Conjunctival suffusion, jaundice, and photophobia
 - Cough
 - Abdominal pain and vomiting
 - Pancreatitis
 - Cholecystitis
 - Diarrhea
 - Muscle pain
 - Skin rash (rare)
Immune phase:
 - Meningitis
 - Lungs bleeding
 - Myocarditis (rare)
 - Liver failure
 - Stomach bleeding
 - Kidney failure
 - Melena
 - Bruises

Dr. Ann Marie Kumfer @AnnKumfer

#Leptospirosis #Symptoms #signs #diagnosis #phases #immune #acute
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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