Prehension / Adult Palmar Grasp Reflex (Abnormal)
Notice friends that the patient always "tries to grab" my hand ... It looks like something "normal" right, but it is an altered reflex !! I present to you the Prehension Reflex.
The grip reflex can be present normally up to 9 months of life, after which it is considered pathological. And the interesting thing is that it has a locating value, especially when unilateral, and it translates a lesion in the pre-motor area (Broadman's area 6).
A more "detailed" assessment we can say that this reflex has subtypes of presentation which are: grasp reflex, forced grasping and tendency to groping. As you can see in the video, this signal consists of flexing the fingers in response to a tactile (or visual) excitation, as if grabbing an object.

Dr. Felipe Duarte Augusto @semiologianeurologica

#Prehension #Palmar #Grasp #Reflex #Adult #Neurology #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #abnormal
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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