Burkitt-Like Lymphoma with 11q Aberration Clinical • Provisional entity • Comprises a group of lymphomas that morphologically and immunophenotypically resemble BL but that lack MYC rearrangements and have proximal gains and telomeric losses of llq. • Wide age range, more common in children/young adults. • More often nodal than BL, more limited disease without CNS or BM involvement • Similar lymphomas can be seen in the post-transplant setting. • Similar clinical course to BL Morphology and Immunophenotype • Tend to have more pleomorphism than BL, occasionally with a follicular pattem. • Characteristic lower expression of CD38 and coexpression of CD16/CD56 by flow. Dr. Laura Brown @lauraebrown #BurkittLike #Lymphoma #11q #Aberration #diagnosis #hemepath #pathology