Mood Disorders - Depressed or Elevated Moods - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm Major Depressive Disorder • 2 week period, depressed mood nearly everyday Persistent Depressive Disorder • Depressed mood more days than not for > 2 years Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood • Depressed mood in context of specific stressor < 6 months Bereavement • Depressed mood in context of personal loss < 2 months Bipolar I • Manic Episode (may have hx > 1 MDE) • MANIA: 1 week elevated or irritable mood PLUS 3 or more: 1) Grandiosity 2) Decreased sleep 3) Pressure of speech 4) Flight of ideas 5) Distractibility 6) Increase in goal directed activity 7) Excessive pleasureable but harmful activities Bipolar II • Hypomanic Episode (must have hx of >1 MDE) • HYPOMANIA: No marked impairment, no psychosis, no hospitalization. At least 4 days. PLUS 3 or more Cyclothymia • Symptoms without clear mood episode • 2 Years Hypomanic Episodes and Depressed Mood #Mood #Disorders #Depressed #Elevated #Differential #Diagnosis #Algorithm #Depression #Mania #Bipolar #Psychiatry