Osteoporosis - Bone Mineral Density Testing Age > 50 years - All men and women >65 - Prior fragility fracture - Prolonged glucocorticoid use - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Falls in past 12 months - Parental Hip Fracture - Other medications - Vertebral fracture - Osteopenia on X-ray - Smoking/ETOH - Low body weight (<60kg) or major loss (>10% of when 25) Age < 50 years - Fragility Fracture - Prolonged Glucocorticoid use - Use of other high risk medications - Aromatase Inhibitors - Androgen Deprivation Therapy - Hypogonadism/Premature Menopause - Malabsorption Syndrome - Primary Hyperparathyroidism - Other disorders strongly associated with rapid bone loss and/or fracture #Osteoporosis #BoneMineralDensity #Testing #Indications #PrimaryCare #Screening