Lower Urinary Tract Infections: Complications - Infection damages the urinary tract epithelium causing fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition -> Urinary Tract Scarring - Infection of the lower urinary tract ascends/extends above the bladder -> Infection of the kidney parenchyma -> Pyelonephritis - Bacterial toxins and inflammation damage epithelial barrier -> Bacteria gain access to blood supply -> Widespread cytokine release resulting in a systemic inflammatory response -> Urosepsis - In males, bacteria from urethra travel to prostate via prostatic ducts -> Prostatitis - Urease-producing bacteria (Proteus, Klebsiella) degrade urea which may cause supersaturation of urine -> Struvite stones (Ca2+, Mg2+, PO43-, NH3) #Lower #UrinaryTractInfection #LUTI #Pathophysiology #Complications