Hyperuricemia: Pathogenesis and Complications - Hypercalcemia (due to diseases like Sarcoidosis and Hyperparathyroidism) -> Accumulation of calcium in renal tubules - ACE-inhibitors, Cyclosporine -> Inhibit vasoconstriction of efferent arteriole in the nephron -> Decr Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) -> decr ability of kidneys to filter uric acid from the blood - Tubular Poisons (Low dose salicylates, diuretics, organic acids like lactic acid and keto-acids) -> Poisons the distal convoluted tubule in the nephron -> Decr secretion of uric acid from the blood into the nephron -> Under-excretion of Uric Acid Lympho-proliferative disorders (Hemolysis, Psoriasis) -> Rapid turnover and lysis of cells (RBCs, WBCs, and skin cells) -> Incr Breakdown of DNA -> Release of purine bases -> Over-production of uric acid >> Hyperuricemia: Accumulation of abnormally high uric acid levels n the blood #Hyperuricemia #Pathophysiology #Complications #Gout