Charcot Joint - Neuropathic Arthropathy: Pathogenesis and Clinical findings
 • Impaired joint protection -> abnormal joint movements -> Incr ROM, joint instability, ligamentous laxity over time
 • Joint mounts an inflammatory response -> Local swelling, warmth, & erythema, joint effusion, pain (variable dependent on degree of denervation)
 • Inflammatory cytokines act on osteoclasts to promote periarticular bone resorption -> On X-ray: osteopenia
 • Joint progresses from minor deformity -> major deformity -> Visibly abnormal joint: joint subluxation
 • Destruction of articular cartilage -> On X-ray: joint space narrowing
 • Inability to move joint, Interference with movement of limb -> Inability to ambulate: unsteady, antalgic gait

#CharcotJoint #Neuropathic #Arthropathy #pathophysiology #diagnosis #signs #symptoms
The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease @TheCalgaryGuide · 4 years ago
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