Conduct Disorder (CD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings - Must have >3 symptoms present in the past 12 months, with >1 symptom present in the past 6 months - Symptoms must interfere with functioning or development, and be inappropriate for developmental level - If the individual is >18 years old, criteria must not be met for antisocial personality disorder - CD affects 2-10% of school-aged children, and is more common in males than females when arising in childhood (> 1 symptom before age 10), but the rates are approximately the same when it presents in adolescence. However, CD may be underdiagnosed in females, as they are less overtly aggressive Aggression to people and animals • Steals while confronting a victim • Initiates physical fights • Uses a weapon that can cause serious harm • Physically cruel to people • Physically cruel to animals • Forces someone into sexual activity • Bullies, threatens or intimidates others Deceitfulness or theft • Breaks into someone else's house, building or car • Lies to obtain goods or favors, or to avoid obligations • Steals items of nontrivial value without confronting a victim Serious violations of rules • Runs away from home overnight at least twice, or once without returning for a lengthy period • Stays out at night despite parental prohibitions (begins before 13yrs) • Truant from school (begins before 13yrs) Destruction of property • Engages in fire setting with the intention of causing serious damage • Destroys others' property (other than by fire setting) #Conduct #CD #BehavioralDisorder #Pathophysiology #diagnosis #symptoms #signs #psychiatry #criteria