DSM 5: Elimination of the “5 Axes” Model
 • Axis I - Primary mental health disorder that needs immediate attention (ex. Schizophrenia exacerbation, major depressive episode)
 • Axis II - Personality disorders and developmental disorders
 • Axis Ill - Medical and neurological conditions that may influence current and past psychiatric health
 • Axis IV - Major psychosocial stressors faced by the individual that may contribute to psychiatric problems
 • Axis V - A global assessment of functioning scored from 0-100

-> Biopsychosocial Formulation

 • Biological contributors/risk factors - Ex. Genetic loading, medical conditions, pharmacotherapy/drug use
 • Psychological contributors/risk factors - Ex. Coping strategies, personality traits, attachment style, trauma, loss, therapy
 • Social contributors/risk factors - Ex. Interpersonal problems, living situation, finances, support system

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The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease @TheCalgaryGuide · 4 years ago
Account created for The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease - Linking pathophysiology to clinical presentation - http://calgaryguide.ucalgary.ca/
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