Chemical Eye Injury: Pathogenesis and clinical findings Exogenous chemical to the eye and/or adnexa • Ammonia, sodium hydroxide, and lime are the most common alkalis chemical implicated • Sulphuric, sulphurous, hydrofluoric, acetic, chromic and hydrochloric acid are the most common acids implicated OPHTHALMIC EMERGENCY: immediate management is required! • Wash the eye(s) thoroughly with water until the pH returns to normal • Evert the eyelids to ensure chemicals are not retained Obtaining a detailed history following initial management is essential: • Acidic injuries cause coagulative necrosis -> surface proteins form a protective barrier -> limited chemical penetration beyond the cornea • Alkali injuries cause disruptive liquefactive necrosis -> breakdown of normal cell barriers -> deeper chemical penetration => Pain, Redness, Watering, Decreased Vision, Foreign body sensation #ChemicalInjury #Eye #Ocular #opthalmology #pathophysiology