Lewy Body Dementia: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings Lewy Body Dementia is a sub-category of major or mild neurocognitive disorders depending on severity of disease. Dementia should occur before or concurrently with onset of Parkinsonism. Clinical manifestations have been organized into a hierarchy of diagnostic specificity. Central feature (required for diagnosis): • Progressive and prominent cognitive impairment, particularly affecting memory, executive and visuospatial function Core features: • Fluctuating cognition with pronounced variations in attention and alertness • Recurrent visual hallucinations (well-formed and detailed) • Spontaneous features of parkinsonism Suggestive features: • Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder • Neuroleptic sensitivity • Low dopamine transporter uptake seen on SPECT/PET Supportive features: • Repeated falls • Systematized delusions • Depression • Hallucinations in other modalities #LewyBody #Dementia #pathophysiology #geriatrics #diagnosis