Morphology of Secondary Skin Lesions - Description Algorithm Secondary Skin Lesion - Lesion that develops from trauma, manipulation (rubbing, scratching), complication (infection) of initial lesion, or develops naturally over time Elevated Secondary Skin Lesion • Crust/Scab (dried serum, blood, or pus overlying the lesion) • Scale (dry, thin or thick flakes of skin overlying the lesion) • Lichenification (thickened skin with accentuation of normal skin lines) • Hypertrophic Scar (within boundary of injury) • Keloid Scar (extend beyond boundary of injury) Depressed Secondary Skin Lesion • Atrophic Scar (fibrotic replacement of tissue at site of injury) • Ulcer (complete loss of epidermis extending into dermis or deeper; heals with scar) • Erosion (partial loss of epidermis only; heals without scar) • Fissure (linear slit-like cleavage of skin) • Excoriation/Scratch (linear erosion induced by scratching) #Morphology #SkinLesion #Secondary #Description #Algorithm #dermatology