Causes of Cystic Renal Mass - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm Benign - Anechoic on ultrasound, Well-demarcated on ultrasound/CT, Non-enhancing with CT contrast - Simple Cysts - No family history of ADPKD, Normal sized kidneys, No cysts in other organs - Polycystic - Multiple bilateral cysts, Positive family history, Enlarged kidneys, Cysts in other organs • Polycystic Kidney Disease • Tuberous Sclerosis • Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome Suspicious - Septated/Loculated on ultrasound, Irregular border on ultrasound/CT, Enhancing with CT contrast - Carcinoma - No signs of infection - Renal Cell Carcinoma - Abscess - Fever and leukocytosis, Positive Gallium scan #Cystic #RenalMass #Nephrology #Differential #Diagnosis #Algorithm #Causes