Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (2) The case on the left shows an inspiratory and expiratory scan: the mosaic pattern with areas of ground-glass attenuation and areas of low attenuation, that become more evident on the expiratory scan, indicating air trapping. Signs of fibrosis such as distorted vessels and bronchi as well as septal thickening are more pronounced in the mid and lower lung zones, but not limited to the subpleural area. The images on the left suggest the diagnosis hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Based on the imaging findigs alone, alveolar proteinosis and other diseases with a mozaic pattern should be included in the differential diagnosis. #Clinical #Radiology #CTChest #Chronic #Hypersensitivity #Pneumonitis #HypersensitivityPneumonitis #Fibrosis #RadiologyAssistant