Coccidioidomycosis (Coccidioides): Valley Fever - Summary Sheet • Morphology • Geography, Reservoir and Mode of Transmission - Endemic in southwest of the US and certain arid regions in South America - In the US, highest incidence in Arizona and California - Reservoir includes: soil (increased during dry periods after rain/storms/earthquakes or excavation work) - Mode of transmission: aerogenic - Race predilection: Filipino and African Americans at higher risk for disseminated disease • Clinical presentation - Two-thirds of individuals remain asymptomatic or develop self-limiting respiratory symptoms. When symptomatic→ pulmonary involvement in >95% of cases - The disease can spread hematogenously to the following extrapulmonary sites: skin, soft tissue, skeleton, CNS (both meninges and spinal cord), eyes, heart, liver, kidneys, and prostate • Diagnosis • Management - Mild pulmonary disease: no treatment - Asymptomatic nodule/cavity: no treatment - Symptomatic chronic cavity: fluconazole/itraconazole (at least) x 12 months by Fatima Al Dhaheri, MD @FatimaAlDee #Coccidioidomycosis #Coccidioides #ValleyFever #diagnosis #management #summary #fungal