Allen's Test on Physical Exam

Allen's Test is used to test the integrity of blood flow and collateral circulation to the hand through the radial and ulnar arteries.  The hand should be clenched tightly for 30 seconds, and pressure is applied to occlude both arteries in the wrist.  When the hand is opened, it should appear pale/blanched.  One artery is released while pressure on the collateral artery is maintained to assess the adequacy of reperfusion.

In this example, when the ulnar artery is released, the hand is not perfused, but when the radial artery is released the hand is perfused.

Video by Dr. Gabriel @ortopediaesaude

#Allens #Test #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #vascular #hand #ulnar #radial #artery
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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