Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Mediated Colitis Grade of Disease Severity: • G1: Increase < 4 BMs/day over baseline; mild increase ostomy output over baseline • G2: Increase 4-6 BMs/day over baseline; mod increase ostomy output over baseline • G3: Increase > 7 BMs/day over baseline; severe increase ostomy output over baseline; incontinence; hospitalization; limiting self-care ADL • G4: Life-threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated Diagnostic Evaluation: G2-4 • Consult GI • Labs: CBC, CMP, TSH, ESR, CRP • Stool: C. Diff, Stool cx, O&P, GPP, etc. • Endoscopy (Flex Sig or Colon +EGD): - Random Bx and IHC staining r/oCMV - G2: consider early in course to prognosticate - G3/4: urgent • Imaging: Cross-sectional Imaging (MR/CT) if c/f complication • Consider: HAV/HBV serologies, HIV screen, IGRAs, fecal calprotectin or lactoferrin Dr. Waseem Ahmed @Waseem_AhmedMD #Immune #CheckpointInhibitor #Colitis #diagnosis #management #algorithm #IBD