On this lateral film there is too much density over the lower part of the spine. By only looking at the interfaces of the left and right diaphragm on the lateral film, it is possible to tell on which side the pathology is located. First study the lateral film. On the PA-film there is a normal silhouette of the heart border, so the pathology is not in the anterior part of the chest, which we already suspected by studying the lateral view. Why do we still see the silhouette of the right diaphragm on the PA-film? What we see is actually the highest point of the right diaphragm, which is anterior to the pneumonia in the right lower lobe. The pneumonia does not border the highest point of the diaphragm. #Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Pneumonia #RLL #Lateral #SilhouetteSign #RadiologyAssistant