Modified dengue severity classification, PAHO/WHO Dengue without warning signs - DNWS: • Person who lives or has traveled to areas with dengue transmission in the last 14 days and presents fever, usually of 2 to 7 days duration, and at least 2 of the following criteria: 1 . Nausea/ vomiting 2. Exanthema 3. Headache/ retro-orbital pain 4. Myalgia and arthralgia 5. Petechiae or positive tourniquet test 6. Leukopenia • Cases also include any child coming from or living in an area with dengue transmission, with acute febrile illness, usually of 2 to 7 days and no apparent focus. Dengue with warning signs - DWWS: • Every dengue case that, near and preferably at defervescence, presents one or more of the following signs: 1. Intense abdominal pain or tenderness 2. Persistent vomiting 3. Fluid accumulation (ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion) 4. Mucosal bleed 5. Lethargy/ restlessness 6. Postural hypotension (lipothymia) 7. Liver enlargement >2 cm 8. Progressive increase in hematocrit Severe dengue - SD: • Every dengue case that has one or more of the following manifestations: 1. Shock or respiratory distress due to severe plasma leakage. Shock evidenced by: weak or undetectable pulse, tachycardia, cold extremities, and capillary perfusion >2 seconds, pulse pressure 20 mmHg: hypotension in late phase. 2. Severe bleeding: based on evaluation by the attending physician (e.g. hematemesis, melena, ample metrorrhagia, central nervous system [CNS] bleeding) 3. Severe organ involvement, such as liver impairment (AST or ALT > 1000 IU), CNS (impaired mental state), heart (myocarditis), or other organs #dengue #fever #severity #classification #diagnosis