Phases of chronic HBV infection according to revised and classical definitions
Phase 1: HBeAg+ chronic infection (old terminology immune tolerance)
     HBSAg Positive, HBSAb Negative, HBeAg Positive
Phase 2: HBeAg+ chronic hepatitis (old terminology immune active)
     HBSAg Positive, HBSAb Negative, HBeAg Positive
Phase 3: HBeAg- chronic infection (old terminology inactive carrier)
     HBSAg Positive, HBSAb Negative, HBeAg Negative
Phase 4: HBeAg- chronic hepatitis (old terminology, HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis)
     HBSAg Positive, HBSAb Negative, HBeAg Negative
Phase 5: HBsAg negative or OHB
     HBSAg Negative, HBSAb Positive or negative, HBeAg Negative

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Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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