Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) - Diagnosis and Management Summary
Clinical features - Classic triad (flank pain, hematuria, and a palpable abdominal renal mass): 9% of patients- when present suggests locally advanced disease
1. Hematuria (most common)
2. Anemia (common)
3. Colicky flank pain (CLOT COLIC)
4. Potentially palpable renal mass
5. Weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, fever
6. Secondary Amyloidosis
7. Varicocele(left)
8. Budd Chiari syndrome (involvement IVC)
9. Symptoms of metastatic disease
Imaging and Treatment - Best initial test: abdominal CT scan with contrast
Evaluation of metastatic disease:
1.  CT/MRI of the thorax
2. Bone scan is indicated for patients with bone pain and ↑ ALP
RCC is highly resistant to chemotherapeutic agents → MDR-1 express
Laboratory tests
1. Urinalysis: hematuria
2. Hb levels and CBC
3. Hypercalcemia
4. ↑ AST, ALT, and/or ALP
5. BUN/creatinine
6. Percutaneous renal biopsy generally not recommended.
Rx of choice: surgery. Unfit: treated palliatively with
arterial embolizationand external beam radiotherapy
Othertherapies: Interferon-a (immunotherapy), Recombinant cytokines (e.g., interleukin-2), Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (e.g., sorafenib, sunitinib, pazopanib)

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