Orthopedic Platings, Nails and Screws Bohler’s Stirrup: U shaped device to hold a Steinmann pin and applying traction Crutchfield Tongs: To apply skull traction in case of cervical injury Gigli Saw: Twisted wire bone saw, use to cut bone during amputation Cortical and Cancellous Screws: Used either itself (as lag screw) or with plates, they are non tapping screws, thread tapping should be done in the bone with bone tap Malleolar Screws: Are self tapping screws Dynamic Compression Plate (DCP): Exerts axial compression over fracture site by combining screw hole geometry while screw insertion. - Broad – humerus, femur - Narrow – tibia, forearm, pelvis Low Contact Dynamic Compression Plates: Designed to limit vascular compromise by decreasing plate-to-bone contact Reconstruction Plates: Have notches alongside the plate, which enables bending in 3 dimension to contour towards complex surfaces easily Buttress Plating: (Fr – to strike/shoke) The plate serves to push or buttress the split tibial plateau fragment against displacement and depression. - T and L plates are designed to be used as buttress plates Dynamic Hip Plate/Screw: Used in intertrochanteric fracture of femur Dynamic Condylar Plate/Screw: Used in distal end femur fracture (unicondylar/intercondylar) Angle Blade Plates: 95°-angled plates are used in the repair of metaphyseal fractures and reconstruction of the femur. It provides very rigid fixation. - Condylar- distal femur, intertrochanteric/sub-trochanteric fracture. - Double angled – femoral valgus repositioning osteotomy Illizarov External Fixators: For limb lengthening, arthrodesis, deformity correction and infected non-union Hip Prosthesis: Used for replacement of head of femur following NOF fracture. Help patients to early mobilise and eliminate complication such as AVN, non union, fixation failure - Austin Moore – used in NOF fracture with calcar femorale intact, no osteoporosis; prosthesis has neck, collar and holes, bone cement is not required during application - Thompson – used in NOF fracture with no calcar, with osteoporosis; prosthesis has NO neck, collar and holes, bone cement is required during application - Bipolar – used in yiounger patients with non union of femoral neck. It has low incidence of protrusio acetabuli #Platings #Nails #Screws #Orthopedics #management #indications #hardware #equipment